Alphabetical order:
NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine"
Branch name:
Oil and Gas companies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 1200
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources "Web-Observer" was implemented in NJSC “Naftogaz” of Ukraine. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity, as well as in a single knowledge base and in information support of solutions.
Intracorporate portal for personnel of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” 1200
The purpose of the corporate Intranet portal is to organize the flow of the important information both from internal and external sources on a desktop of a user – a company employee. User can check his/her mail, observe the current price for company’s shares, find contact information of specialists from other departments, receive a client’s request, all this and many others directly on his/ her desktop.
Thus, the main task of the internal corporate portal of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” is to provide a transparent access to the administrative information that is contained in different information systems used by the bank and also in other information sources required for personnel work.
OJSC "Ukrtelecom"
Branch name:
Flash-presentation of OJSC "Ukrtelecom" 2003
The multimedia presentation along with flash-technology was established for OJSC “Ukrtelecom” .
Parliamentary faction "Regions of Ukraine"
Branch name:
Site for the parliamentary faction "Regions of Ukraine" 400
In February 2005 the company Finport Technologies presented the official site of the faction “Regions of Ukraine”
Parliamentary faction "Trudova Ukraina" (Labour Ukraine)
Branch name:
Site for the faction "Trudova Ukraina" (Labour Ukraine) 400
On the official web-site of “Trudova Ukraina” (Labor Ukraine) visitors can view the faction composition, official program of its activity, draft laws prepared by the faction, biographies of deputies, their legislative initiatives, deputy requests, speeches and publications.
Pediatric Surgery Center
Branch name:
Site for Cardiocenter 2005
The official site contains information about the activity of the Pediatric Surgery Center, its specialists, tasks and program.
Pension Fund of Ukraine
Branch name:
State bodies
Internet newspaper "Pension Courier" 2005
Internet version of the newspaper “Pensiynyi kuryer” (Pension Courier) was developed.
Internet magazine "Bulletin of the Pension Fund of Ukraine" 2005
Internet version of the magazine “Bulletin of the Pension Fund of UKraine" was developed.
Site for the Training Center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine 2005
The site for the Training Center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine was developed.
Branch name:
Production and Industry
Portal of the company "Yutem" 2006
One of the main functions of the corporate Intranet-portal is the effective distribution of important information inside of bank and its quick entry from external sources. Users can check mail, find contact information on specialists from other departments, receive customer orders and others without leaving their workplaces.
Corporate web-site of the company "Yutem" 2006
Corporate web-site of the company "Yutem"
Branch name:
Implementation of "Web-Observer" system 2004
“Pravex-Bank” was founded in 1992. Today it takes the leading place in retail banking business. There are over 590 branches and 2700 points for consumers crediting in its structure.
Pravex-Bank does a lot of work analyzing and preventing possible unlawful acts, debugging confidential information leak channels, carrying out the researches to determine the risk factors in relationships with the customers and contractors.
The “Web-Observer” system was implemented in “Pravex-Bank” to provide prompt monitoring of the information flows and timely reaction to the existing situation, and to create a common knowledge base for information support of decision-making.
The system solves the following tasks: automatic collection of unstructured data from open sources (Web-sites, e-mailing, mail, intracorporate documents, etc), bringing it to a common structure, forming personal publication flow on professional subjects for each of the users, making reports on the needed subjects and converting the results into Word and Excel document formats.
Press Agency "UNIAN"
Branch name:
Mass media
Joint project UNIAN-Monitor 1200
Interface of the information and monitoring system “UNIAN-Monitor”
Project "Anti-AIDS"
Branch name:
Public organizations
Site for "Anti-AIDS" project for the Ukrainian fund on HIV and AIDS 2004
Information resource of the project “Fight with HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine” (http://www.aіds.gov.ua/) is ordered by the Ukrainian Fund on HIV and AIDS. The project is meant for a wide range of people – from representatives of organizations engaging in HIV/AIDS problem solution, charity funds, doctors, journalists to ordinary citizens.
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