Alphabetical order:
Project "YES"
Branch name:
Public organizations
Project of International initiative in support of the Ukrainian EU entry 2005
Internet resource contains the information about past and planned initiatives of the EU, board and mission of the organization, collection of information from press about the EU and others.
Samsung Electronics
Branch name:
International corporations
Site of the Ukrainian representative office Samsung Electronics 2005
The project of information system for Samsung representative office in Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Belorussia and Moldova is developed in compliance with the corporative requirements of Samsung Electronics; the existing data base is restructured. The information system covers the whole list of Samsung products as well as their technical features, technologies, detailed specification. Moreover, there is a possibility to save user guides to your PC, compare several models of one and the same product.
Savings Bank of Ukraine
Branch name:
New site for Oschadny Bank of Ukraine 9600
Oschadny Bank of Ukraine has obtained a modern communication tool - Finport Technologies professionals created a new Internet resource corresponding the spirit of the age and all the requirements established for similar developments.
New site www.oschadnybank.com provides the Internet users with the information about the Bank’s regional branches network and the location of its ATMs as well as all the Bank services both for private persons and companies. This resource helps to see the results of the Bank activity, to get to know the currency exchange rates and to download the annual reports. The site has much historical information and reference data – the Bank’s history, the answers to most common questions, encyclopedia of banking terms, various advices.
System of distance learning "Finport Training Systems" 2006
System of distance learning allows to use complex approach to the informatization of a learning process, personnel appraisal and certification, manage resources used for learning process in a flexible way, plan the learning process depending on the current personnel competence level, create “knowledge base”, as well as establish courses in different languages and receive statistics on learning and testing process.
State Committee of Natural Resources
Branch name:
State bodies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2004
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the State Committee of Natural Resources of Ukraine. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
State Committee on Financial Monitoring
Branch name:
State bodies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2004
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the State Committee on Financial Monitoring. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
State Department on Legislation Adaptation
Branch name:
State bodies
Site of the State Department on legislation adaptation 2005
The site contains full information about the Department structure, its specialists, tasks, program, vacancies. Besides, there is a possibility to receive news on Department activity, other executive bodies.
Introduction of Web-Observer system 400
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the State Department on Legislation Adaptation of Ukraine. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
State Financial Services Commission
Branch name:
State bodies
Розробка технічного завдання щодо строрення Інтегрованої системи обміну інформацією між органами, що здійснюють державний нагляд та контроль у сфері недержавного пенсійного забезпечення 2006
Державна комісія з регулювання ринків фінансових послуг України (надалі Комісія) - спеціально уповноважений орган виконавчої влади у сфері регулювання ринків фінансових послуг. На виконання розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України «Про затвердження плану заходів щодо удосконалення системи захисту пенсійних активів», а також постанови Кабінету Міністрів України щодо основних напрямів урядової політики в економічній та соціальній сфері на 2006 рік Комісія виступила замовником розробки технічного завдання щодо створення ІС, розробку якого зробила компанія Finport Technologies. За висновками експертів створена ІС повинна допомагати у вирішенні таких завдань: консолідація Інформації ІС у єдиний інформаційний масив даних; створення довідникової підсистеми про суб’єктів ринку недержавного пенсійного забезпечення з можливістю введення, редагування, імпорту даних ліцензійного реєстру, ідентифікації типу суб’єктів ринку недержавного пенсійного забезпечення; створення підсистеми обміну інформацією між Держфінпослуг та органами, що здійснюють державний нагляд та контроль у сфері недержавного пенсійного забезпечення; створення підсистеми розподіленого та віддаленого доступу до інформації із урахуванням рівнів доступу до інформації за видами інформації ІС та регіональною ознакою із забезпеченням захисту передачі інформації відповідно до законодавства; створення підсистеми аналітичної обробки інформації ІС з можливістю формування параметрів та модифікації запитів пошуку, форм розкриття інформації та видачі сформованої інформації.
Internet register of financial entities 2005
Internet register of financial entities.
State Property Fund
Branch name:
State bodies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2004
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the State Property Fund. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
Supreme Administrative Court
Branch name:
State bodies
Web site implemented in the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine 2006
Finport Technologies professionals have completed one of the project’s stages: the external site of the institution www.vasu.gov.ua was developed and laid out in the Internet. It is now the only way to access the open information resources of SACU both for the Court employees and for the rest of the Internet users. Finport Technologies was given Thanks on behalf of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine for the development of this web-resource.
Document circulation system for Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine (SACU) 2006
The implemented information system will generally consist of several functional parts – the web site, the internal portal, the document circulation system. The main goal of this development is to increase the efficiency of SACU activities by means of modern software application. Owing to the automation of SACU activities and creating a flexible virtual workspace, the efficiency of the Court employees’ cooperation will increase.
Internal Intranet-portal 2005
The main functions of the corporate Intranet portal are the effective distribution of important information inside of the body and its quick entry from external sources. Users can check mail, find contact information on colleagues and others without leaving their workplaces.
Branch name:
«Web-Observer» System Applied In «TAS-Komertsbank» 2006
To provide the monitoring of the information field, Finport Technologies professionals have introduced the information monitoring system “Web-Observer” to «TAS-Komertsbank». Now «TAS-Komertsbank» employees can promptly receive the information about everything concerning banking, thanks to monitoring of the current Internet resources (the list of such resources being previously formed as a special collating). The corresponding services can receive notifications in the real-time mode not only of the references/publications about the bank itself but the other important news of the Ukrainian and world financial market as well.
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