Alphabetical order:
General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine
Branch name:
State bodies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2004
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base.
Site for the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine 2004
Development of this web-resource pursued two important objectives: to obtain a new effective instrument of information distribution and simplify the procedure of interaction with employees. Both objectives were successfully achieved. Now online visitors can find the reception time, rules of application submission and lots of other necessary information. Besides, the website contains the latest information about the Office activities. A special password-protected section, designed specially for the staff, provides access to analytical, statistical and legislative materials, information about forthcoming extension and training courses. The system is built on a Web Logic Publishing content management system.
European Insurance Alliance
Branch name:
Insurance companies
Content and technical support of "European Insurance Alliance" site 2004
CLSC “European Insurance Alliance” is a member of the League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine, Motobureau of Ukraine, Sea and Aviation Insurance Bureaus of Ukraine, Ukrainian P&L Pool, Nuclear Insurance Pool of Ukraine, Association of Insurers in the Agrarian Sector of Economy of Ukraine.
Branch name:
Implementation of "Web-Observer" system 2004
“Pravex-Bank” was founded in 1992. Today it takes the leading place in retail banking business. There are over 590 branches and 2700 points for consumers crediting in its structure.
Pravex-Bank does a lot of work analyzing and preventing possible unlawful acts, debugging confidential information leak channels, carrying out the researches to determine the risk factors in relationships with the customers and contractors.
The “Web-Observer” system was implemented in “Pravex-Bank” to provide prompt monitoring of the information flows and timely reaction to the existing situation, and to create a common knowledge base for information support of decision-making.
The system solves the following tasks: automatic collection of unstructured data from open sources (Web-sites, e-mailing, mail, intracorporate documents, etc), bringing it to a common structure, forming personal publication flow on professional subjects for each of the users, making reports on the needed subjects and converting the results into Word and Excel document formats.
Project "Anti-AIDS"
Branch name:
Public organizations
Site for "Anti-AIDS" project for the Ukrainian fund on HIV and AIDS 2004
Information resource of the project “Fight with HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine” (http://www.aіds.gov.ua/) is ordered by the Ukrainian Fund on HIV and AIDS. The project is meant for a wide range of people – from representatives of organizations engaging in HIV/AIDS problem solution, charity funds, doctors, journalists to ordinary citizens.
Yakaboo - DVD rental
Branch name:
Site for “Yakaboo” 2004
Information Internet system represents the company that provides a unique service – unlimited DVD rental in Kyiv. There are about 2000 names of all genres in the collection of Yakaboo. The system enables to publish products, make orders, give tools for call center work, interacts with 1C enterprise software.
"ProCredit Bank" Ukraine
Branch name:
Site for "ProCredit Bank" Ukraine 2004
The information system based on Web Logic Publishing enables clients to get all information about bank’s activities and services, to use deposit and currency calculators to choose an optimal way to deposit money without preliminary visits to bank for consultations.
Company "Eurocar"
Branch name:
Automobile industry
Створення сайту для ТОВ "Єврокар" 2008
ООО "Еврокар" – официальный поставщик автомобилей марки Skoda в Украине. Компания предоставляет свои услуги через широко разветвленную дилерскую сеть, которая сертифицирована Skoda Auto a.s. и покрывает всю территорию Украины.
В дилерской сети Skoda представлен максимально полный спектр услуг для клиентов при покупке автомобиля, запасных частей и аксессуаров, а также финансовых услуг (кредит, лизинг, страхование) и услуг гарантийного и сервисного обслуживания.
С целью предоставления клиентам более полной и качественной информации о своей компании, ее услугах и получениях обратной связи, от существующих и потенциальных клиентов, специалистами Компании Finport Technologies был разработан сайт компании “Еврокар”.
Информация сайта направлена на три разных читательских аудитории: для существующих/потенциальных клиентов, для партнеров компании и ее сотрудников.
Разработанный веб-ресурс компании позволяет клиентам Компании "Еврокар" всегда быть в курсе последних новостей акций, событий и проектов.
На сайте компании можно найти полезную информацию о разнообразных моделях автомобилей, а также прайс - лист базовых модификаций Skoda. В разделе "Актуальные вопросы" можно задавать любые вопросы специалистам Компании и найти ответ на вопросы, которые чаще всего задают клиенты компании "Еврокар".
Также на сайте достаточно легко узнать контактную информацию и местонахождение автосалонов и сервисных центров по всей Украине.
Внедрение интерактивной электронной системы Open Service 2007
В компании «Еврокар» запущена в работу интерактивная электронная система взаимодействия с посетителями дилерских предприятий Skoda. Разработанная и внедренная специалистами Finport Technologies система получила название Open Service. Данная система является единой сетью Интернет-киосков и служит полноценным источником информации для клиентов о товарах и услугах предлагаемых компанией «Еврокар». Она объединяет более пятидесяти автосалонов и СТО по всей Украине и позволяет организовать постоянный, оперативный, целенаправленный канал взаимодействия с посетителями.
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2004
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the company. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
METRO Cash and Carry
Branch name:
METRO Cash & Carry site 2004
Website of METRO Cash & Carry in Ukraine was created on the basis of a content management technology Web Logic Publishing developed by Finport Technologies Inc. It allowed to accomplish the first stage of development in a very short term – less than a month. Currently METRO Cash & Carry website hosts comprehensive information about the company's activities in Ukraine, its location, services and vacancies.
Concern "AVEC"
Branch name:
Production and Industry
Corporate web-site of JSC “Consern AVEC and Co.” 2004
Web-site represents JSC “Consern AVEC and Co.”. It contains information about the company, its structure, business and social projects, news and photogallery of the company and a lot of other useful information.
Express Bank
Branch name:
Site of JSCB “Express-bank” 2004
Internet system represents a customer - JCB “Express-bank”
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