Alphabetical order:
Nadra Bank
Branch name:
Introduction of Finport Training Systems 2006
Distance learning system allows to use complex approach to the informatization of a learning process, personnel appraisal and certification, manage resources used for learning process in a flexible way, plan the learning process depending on the current personnel competence level, create “knowledge base”, as well as establish courses in different languages and receive statistics on learning and testing process.
Intracorporate portal for personnel of the bank “Nadra” 2005
One of the main functions of the corporate Intranet portal is the effective distribution of important information inside of bank and its quick entry from external sources. Users can check mail, view the current values of shares/rates/pars, find contact information on specialists from other departments, receive customer orders and others without leaving their workplaces.
Канал К1
Branch name:
Внедрение системы Web-observer для канала К1 2006
К1 - общенациональный телевизионный канал, программной политикой которого является собственное производство информационно-публицистических программ, которые отвечают ожиданием современной аудитории.
Для решения проблемы оперативного сбора, систематизации и оценки критически важной информации, получаемой из электронных источников, в том числе в сети Интернет для телевизионного канала К1 была внедрена корпоративная информационно-мониторинговая система «Web-Observer».
«Web-Observer» предоставляет возможность оперативного сбора, обработки, структурирования, анализа и хранения информации. Система позволяет искать данные с помощью многих фильтров с учетом морфологических особенностей разных языков. Для нужд канала К-1 система будет собирать и анализировать информацию новостных лент, информационных агентств, а также – внутренних электронных источников информации. Сотрудники телеканала смогут оперативно получать уже систематизированную информацию по всем интересующим направлениям в режиме реального времени. Это освободит тележурналистов и сотрудников других направлений от рутинных операций по сбору, систематизации и первичному анализу информации.
Pediatric Surgery Center
Branch name:
Site for Cardiocenter 2006
The official site contains information about the activity of the Pediatric Surgery Center, its specialists, tasks and program.
Branch name:
State bodies
Introduction of Finport Training Systems 2006
Distance learning system allows to use complex approach to the informatization of a learning process, personnel training and certification, manage resources used for learning process in a flexible way, plan the learning process depending on the current personnel competence level, create “knowledge base”, as well as establish courses in different languages and receive statistics on learning and testing process.
Branch name:
Implementation of "Web-Observer" system 2006
The Public Corporation “State Export&Import Bank of Ukraine” (“Ukreximbank”) was founded on January 3, 1992 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine. 100% of “Ukreximbank” stock belongs to the State in the person of the Cabinet of Ministers. For many years the bank has been a part of the group of the biggest banks in Ukraine.
The corporate information monitoring system “Web-Observer” was implemented in “Ukreximbank”, Public Coorporation, to provide prompt monitoring of the information flows and timely reaction to the existing situation, and to create a common knowledge base for information support of decision-making.
The purpose of the developed technology is the automatic collection of unstructured data from open sources (Web-sites, e-mailing, mail, intracorporate documents, etc), bringing it to a common structure, granting structured information flows to the end-user, carrying out operations for processing data files created by the system, which provide for the business needs of the user.
Dogmat Ukraine
Branch name:
Financial institutions
Site for the company "Dogmat Ukraine" 2005
Web-site of the company “Dogmat Ukraine” provides the visitors with the information on crediting systems, conditions of treaty conclusion, service maintenance of financial operations on consumer crediting.
LLC AMC "Aktiv Plus"
Branch name:
NPF Administrator
Introduction of "NPF Administrator" system 1200
The system is meant for the automated individual record of participants of non-governmental pension funds. The system allows keeping a record of all fund participants, all operations, simplifies the work with data, their storing, provides the reliability and validity of data, allows to receive required reports and analytical information.
Insurance Company "Blakytnyi polis"
Branch name:
Insurance companies
Introduction of automated system "Finport Life Insurance" 2005
The information system "Fіnport Lіfe Іnsurance" is an instrument not only for the intensification of managerial efficiency of an insurance company but also for establishment of new competitive advantages. The system allows to increase the business transparency for managers, improve company control, provide data exchange with affiliates, as well as analyze financial results of the company. By using the information system, the insurance company responds to the market changes much faster with creating and analyzing new insurance products.
Branch name:
Intracorporate portal for personnel of the company “Asnova-Holding” 2005
One of the main functions of the corporate Intranet portal is the effective distribution of important information inside of bank and its quick entry from external sources. Users can check mail, find contact information on specialists from other departments, receive customer orders and others without leaving their workplaces.
Branch name:
Mass media
Project FirsTnews 2005
Development and implementation of FirsTnews – financial and economic Internet resource
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