Alphabetical order:
Branch name:
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2005
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the company. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
HVB Bank
Branch name:
Developing for «HVB Bank Ukraine» 2006
Having a great experience in developing software by request, Finport Technologies professionals began to implement the next project for «HVB Bank Ukraine». The next development being worked out by Finport Technologies professionals for «HVB Bank Ukraine» is the information system «Borrower Forecasting». It is a software complex that allows automating the process of forecasting money flow and financial condition of the Bank clients. The information system «Borrower Forecasting» is to be put in test operation this year.
The system is intended for forming the money flow forecast, for forecast balance and forecast report on financial results, as well as for calculation of various financial rates, thanks to the analysis of which, the bank employees can evaluate the risks of the borrowers’ failure to return their credits.
Introduction of automated financial monitoring system "FinMonitor" 2006
The automated system of financial monitoring “FinMonitor” is meant for collecting, analyzing and storing of information about financial operations subjected to the compulsory internal finmonitoring. With this system the financial institutions can automate the work of profiled staff that takes measures on resistance to legalization (laundering) of incomes received in a criminal way.
Introduction of profitability calculation system for bank units "Finport Profitability Calculation" 2006
The information system Finport Profitability Calculation (FPC) is meant for automated estimation of bank performance. This method envisages the determination of competence centers in a bank structure and allocation of bank financial result between them as of the accounting period.
Реєстр електронних ключів для АКБ "ХФБ Україна" 2005
Інформаційна система «Реєстр електронних ключів» (Key Repository - KR) призначена для роботи з файлами відкритих ключів електронного цифрового підпису (ЕЦП), які було згенеровано у банку і файлами сертифікатами відкритих ключів, отриманих від Національного Банку України. Система дозволяє автоматизувати процес: ведення реєстру відкритих ключів ЕЦП адміністраторами захисту інформації Банку; створення архіву файлів відкритих ключів ЕЦП і файлів сертифікатів ключів ЕЦП; ведення, відновлення, проглядання таблиць відкритих ключів ЕЦП адміністраторами захисту інформації Банку, які використовують в своїй роботі систему захисту інформації НБУ, проводити пошук в таблицях відкритих ключів ЕЦП; надання сервісних функцій по роботі з відкритими ключами ЕЦП.
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2000
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in HVB Bank. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
Site of HVB Bank Ukraine 7200
Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “HVB Bank Ukraine” is constantly taking measures on the improvement of the intrabank system of financial monitoring an integral part of which is the automation of this process. Conclusion of a treaty with Finport Technologies Inc. on the development and introduction of the financial monitoring system FinMonitor became the next step to the improvement of bank financial monitoring.
The task of FinMonitor system is to collect, analyze and store information about financial operations liable to compulsory and internal financial monitoring. This system is the integration and logical advance of already existing financial monitoring system in banks.
The System has a wide range of functions: modern methods of clients identification, methods of compulsory internal monitoring in the System, information and monitoring system Web-Observer (of Finport Technologies Inc. development), system of distance learning (for education, testing and appraisal of personnel that relates to the financial monitoring process).
Credit Rating
Branch name:
Financial institutions
Internet system for the company "Credit-Rating" 2005
Internet system for the company Credit-Rating - one of the first specialized credit rating agency in Ukraine that provides independent credit rating services with granting of credit ratings according to the Ukrainian national scale.
Bayer Ltd
Branch name:
International corporations
Corporate Web-Site "Bayer" Ltd 2005
“Bayer” Group is a global company that has its dealers in almost every country of the world. Over 350 companies are its representatives.
Finport Technologies professionals have developed the web-site for “Bayer” Company, the official representative of “Bayer” Group in Ukraine, in order to promote the company’s products all over Ukraine.
The information filling of the created site, as well as its administrating will not require any special knowledge and skills from the staff. The development is based on the content managing system “Web Logic Publishing”, own software product earlier developed by Finport Technologies professionals.
This site will enable the Internet users to obtain the information on “Bayer” Company activity in Ukraine, the Company’s history, the information on the world-wide “Bayer” Concern, to learn about its mission and basic foundations of its corporate policy.
The site contains the information on the business structure of the company in Ukraine. The visitors can also acquaint themselves with the company’s product groups – find out the destination, application and other details about those products.
Pension Fund of Ukraine
Branch name:
State bodies
Internet newspaper "Pension Courier" 2005
Internet version of the newspaper “Pensiynyi kuryer” (Pension Courier) was developed.
Internet magazine "Bulletin of the Pension Fund of Ukraine" 2005
Internet version of the magazine “Bulletin of the Pension Fund of UKraine" was developed.
Site for the Training Center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine 2005
The site for the Training Center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine was developed.
Azov Shipyard
Branch name:
Production and Industry
Internet system for Shipyard 7600
Internet system is meant for news, information and data at the financial markets, their agents, economic state in Ukraine in separate branches, regions and for English-speaking users in real-time mode.
Branch name:
Insurance companies
Site for BritMark 2005
BritMark Company decided to devote a corporate Internet resource to the idea of formation of its personnel potential. The following task was assigned to the developers of Finport Technologies: to involve a progressive youth into the company by means of an innovative design.
Result: Now Britmark insurance broker is represented as a site "with a human face" on the Internet. Here you will find pictures and success stories of managers of the company, pictures and statements of heads of the company and even a peculiar kind of “Board of honours” – “Our honours” column. Thus, design and content of the site fully conform to the slogan: "The Company where You become better".
LLC "APF Intercomis"
Branch name:
NPF Administrator
Introduction of "NPF Administrator" system 2005
The system is meant for the automated individual record of participants of non-governmental pension funds. The system allows keeping a record of all fund participants, all operations, simplifies the work with data, their storing, provides the reliability and validity of data, allows to receive required reports and analytical information.
NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine"
Branch name:
Oil and Gas companies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 1200
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources "Web-Observer" was implemented in NJSC “Naftogaz” of Ukraine. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity, as well as in a single knowledge base and in information support of solutions.
Intracorporate portal for personnel of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” 1200
The purpose of the corporate Intranet portal is to organize the flow of the important information both from internal and external sources on a desktop of a user – a company employee. User can check his/her mail, observe the current price for company’s shares, find contact information of specialists from other departments, receive a client’s request, all this and many others directly on his/ her desktop.
Thus, the main task of the internal corporate portal of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” is to provide a transparent access to the administrative information that is contained in different information systems used by the bank and also in other information sources required for personnel work.
Samsung Electronics
Branch name:
International corporations
Site of the Ukrainian representative office Samsung Electronics 2005
The project of information system for Samsung representative office in Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Belorussia and Moldova is developed in compliance with the corporative requirements of Samsung Electronics; the existing data base is restructured. The information system covers the whole list of Samsung products as well as their technical features, technologies, detailed specification. Moreover, there is a possibility to save user guides to your PC, compare several models of one and the same product.
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